Organise your Accounts with Favourites

Some of you have A LOT of different accounts in your Connect account and switching between them can be a bit of a drag. We should know – we have to do it too! We listened to your feedback (experienced the pain ourselves) and have made some really useful new additions to the way you manage your accounts.

We’re calling it Account Favourites and it enables you to easily create your own custom account groups so you can quickly access the accounts you need in one simple click!

Nice one.

Logical ways to group your accounts

Account Favourites enable you to group together at least any two accounts into a colour-coded folder with a label of your choosing. Here’s how customers like you are labelling their favourites:

  1. Geographic location
  2. Product type
  3. Job
  4. Client
  5. or Account Manager

Either way, it’s a flexible system that empowers your team to navigate around Connect more intuitively and is there for you as your business grows. Account Favourites are now available to all customers on CSR Connect.

Here’s how it works

1. Click on the green Account Selector at the top of the page. Select the accounts you want to include into a group

2. Click on the new Favourites menu drop down. Choose “Save selection as favourite”.

3. Give your selection a name, choose a folder colour and press “Save favourite” when you’re done.

4. Clicking inside the new Favourites menu and choosing a Favourite group will automatically select only the accounts in that group.

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